Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Players in the NFL Kneeling During the National Anthem

Players in the National Football League, American football that is, are kneeling, not putting their hand on their heart, locking arms, or just not coming out of the locker rooms during our National Anthem. They're kneeling because they are protesting. It initially started when Colin Kaepernick(an NFL quarterback) started kneeling during the National Anthem in 2016 because he thought people  of different color were being targeted and treated differently than white people by police officers. Others joined him. Lately though, lots of players have joined him because of a comment Donald Trump made, he said that all professional athletes who kneel during the National Anthem are disrespecting the flag and should be fired right now. This is still unfolding right now, we will see how it turns out.   


  1. It is a good post, they are protesting bravely in front of the anti-semitic gestures made by these police officers.

  2. this article has touched me a lot, for me the whole world should be equal, and this way to react is completely not logic
